Captain’s Log – RAF Lossiemouth chief goes online

Group Captain Ian Gale

People in Moray are being provided with a unique insight into the workings of their local RAF base thanks to a new ‘blog’ written by the station commander.

Group Captain Ian Gale launched his ‘Reach for the Stars’ blog this month – and if the first ten days of the publication is anything to go by then it looks set to be a sure-fire hit.

Introducing the blog Ian says: “I plan to blog about my experiences as the CO and about aviation and leadership, as well as my hobby of photography.  I really hope you find it interesting and I’d appreciate any feedback you have on the content or the layout as well as tips to make it all better!”

One of the first articles published – “What is a Station Commander?” – answers questions that many have never dared ask, just what exactly does being the boss of RAF Lossiemouth actually entail?  Perhaps the biggest surprise in that is that Ian insists the actual base CO role is the lesser of his duties!

Ian explained: “This is the least-changed role.  I am responsible, through the Tornado Force Commander, for the military output of the Station – essentially achieving the tasks that we have been set, making sure people have the right skills and training, maintaining discipline, developing our people.”

He goes on to explain his other roles of Delivery Duty Holder and Head of Establishment, both of which he regards as being of greater importance, not surprising given that the former places him with the firm legal responsibility for the safety of 2500 service and civilian personnel on the base.

Ian’s love of photography shines through, making his blog perhaps as much a magnet for amateur photographers as it is for military or aircraft enthusiasts.

Without doubt the blog is a fantastic addition to the online community in Moray – and one that is bound to draw attention from far outside our borders.

It brings to mind the thought that if only other high-profile leaders in our community could connect with their communities in the same manner then we all might benefit from the outpouring of knowledge.

Group Captain Ian Gale’s online blog.

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