Bogton Road sale rages on.
The leader of the Green Party in Moray has spoken out over the decision by Moray Councillors to allow further discussion with developers on the sale of common good land at Forres.
On Tuesday the Council’s policy and resources committee voted to continue exploring further the risks and benefits of the proposal by Redco Milne, who are offering £6.5million for a 35-year lease on the strip of land at Bogton Road.
The developers have been seeking to purchase the land for a retail development since 2008, with a previous bid thrown out after 70% of local residents rejected the sale in a Moray Council survey.
Campaigners against he sale reacted with anger following Tuesday’s decision, now the Convenor of the Moray Greens, James MacKessack-Leitch, has said that they have left an ‘axe hanging over the heads’ of local residents.
Mr MacKessack-Leitch said: “We are thoroughly disappointed with the decision made by the members of the Policy and Resources Committee today.
“The report put in front of Councillors had two very clear options – to give no further consideration to the proposals and halt the development once and for all, or to commission further reports and leave the axe hanging over the heads of residents, local businesses, and Mosset Park.
“It is a crying shame that Councillors unanimously decided to opt for the latter.”
“To rub further salt into the wound the Committee also stated its commitment to consult with the people of Forres before any final decisions are taken, despite several consultations over the past months and years clearly showing the majority of people of Forres neither want nor need this development.
“Yet again Councillors are demonstrating just how in thrall they are to developers and other vested interests, and how little they appear to care for the wishes of those they represent.”
Councillors were assured that no final decision would be taken over the land sale without further consultation with residents.
The issue will be further debated in a public meeting organised by the Forres Community Council at the Town Hall on Thursday, January 30 at 7.30pm.