Representatives of a user group at the Ice Rink in the Moray Leisure Centre say they remain anxious over the slow progress of a replacement ice plant at their rink.
After several anxious years Moray Councillors agreed to save the rink from closure by purchasing a new cooling system.
Without that agreement the rink would have been forced to close by the end of this year as the existing gas system had been ruled unsafe under European Union legislation.
As well as leisure use the Moray rink is the base for national and international award winning figure skaters, Paralympic medal winning curlers and an Ice Hockey team.
While four companies have responded to bidding requests for the work required in fitting a new plant to the rink and decision, which was expected by the end of last week, is yet to be announced.
That is proving to be a major concern for the Ice4All group, formed from the various rink users to ensure the rink remains in business.
Chairman for the group is Graeme Summers who said: “We are anxious that the new plant is put in as it is the ideal solution for ice users with fixtures such as hockey, curling and ice skating.
“We have had problems with the equipment and the dehumidifier not working – the ice resurfacing machine was closed on Friday so we missed training. There was a class of ‘learn to skate’ which had to be cancelled.
“It’s becoming a regular occurrence – we are having to rent an ice resurfacing machine at the moment.”
Mr Summers said that he hoped a decision on which of the four companies who had tendered would be made this week.