Moray motorists are amongst the least likely in Scotland to be fined for driving while using their mobile phones.
Along with Aberdeenshire the region bucked a trend in the North where more drivers than ever before are being caught illegally using their phones while driving.
Figures released this week show that throughout Scotland the total number of people receiving fines for the offence has fallen from 33,175 in 2013 to 28,121 in the year to September 2014.
However, while motorists in Moray and Aberdeenshire have followed the national downward trend their neighbours in Aberdeen City and the Highlands and Islands have not, with Aberdeen City seeing an increase of 300 drivers receiving fines.
The Director of Road Safety Scotland, Michael McDonnel, welcomed the downward trend but warning that even when using a hands free device attention is distracted and so can be dangerous.
He said: “It is welcome news that the police are catching fewer people, but even if you are using a hands-free device, by speaking on the phone your attention is divided between the act of driving and what you’re talking about on the phone.”