Centre of Elgin to become a week-long movie show

People from throughout Moray will become movie stars for a week when a series of 50 special videos are beamed on Elgin buildings from this evening.

Graceful Ice skaters, school children, families in pyjamas, pensioners in a care home, the butcher, the baker – and even RAF Lossiemouth’s Sea King crew will be among the stars of the short films projected onto windows around Elgin’s town centre.

Over the last few months Moray-based Wildbird films has been filming the videos featuring individuals, families and businesses who live, work and shop in Elgin – creating a “Streetscene” to celebrate the people of Elgin and its historic centre.

The 50 short films will be projected onto 50 windows for four hours each evening over the next week.

The project has been funded by Creative Scotland with support from the Elgin Common Good Fund, Moray Chamber of Commerce, Elgin BID, Moray Council and several local businesses.

The public are invited to the film premier and to mingle with the stars in Elgin town centre this evening at 6pm when backing music will be provided by Moray Concert Brass.

There will be no popcorn – but plenty of shops and bars will be selling food and drink and the public are encouraged to walk up and down the town centre to see the individual film pieces around the town.

John Cowe, Chairman of the Moray Economic Partnership, said: “This is a wonderful project and I love the fact that it features the people in Elgin on such natural screens as the buildings of Elgin.

“Hopefully it will bring people into the town to see themselves or their friends on the big screen or rather the many small screens or just marvel at such a wonderful spectacle – and importantly give the businesses in the town a welcome boost.”

Janet Archer, CEO Creative Scotland said: “Creative Scotland is delighted to support this impressive project which brings people, place and artists together to celebrate Elgin’s diversity and creativity.

“This is an exciting opportunity to celebrate and experience Elgin’s streets and buildings as they have never been seen before as they become the screens for captivating film footage created with local people of all ages, reflecting their interests and daily lives.”

Jaqueline Bennett from Wildbird films said: “We are so excited about this great opportunity to celebrate the people and businesses that live, work and play in Elgin.

“This public art event is already involving so many of the town’s great people, and it is anticipated that it should draw even more people, from further afield, increasing festive footfall and putting Moray on the map!”

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