Moray Dance fans set for a Festive treat

DJ Billy Nasty

Moray fans are set for a festive treat when one of the UK’s outstanding veterans for dance music culture takes to the stage in Elgin.

DJ Billy Nasty was involved in the cultural movement from the beginning – and it still regarded as a valid and respected contributor.

Nasty was pushed to the cutting-edge of London dance culture when in 1989 he was taken on by well-known record shop Zoom. This position built up his industry contacts and provided a well-timed boost to his DJ reputation.

He said: “We played nu-groove records, loops, and European stuff, Dance mixes of Happy Mondays, My Bloody Valentine and James also featured heavily.”

It is widely acknowledged that these sounds were the paving stones for the building progressive house scene.

In the past few weeks his name was mentioned when Dave Clarke, the legendary Baron of Techno, included him in a top 40 of “DJ’s that I respect that have done a ridiculous amount for the scene”.

Clarke said: “Billy Nasty loves Techno adores Electro, runs Elecktrix label and has an entry in the Guinness book of records for first commercially released mix CD.”

As with previous Moray Dance nights the event will be used as a showcase for local talent, including up and coming Rachel Innes from Keith.

The passion for rhythm has led Becci Brennan from Forres into studying music production professionally, while Clyde Rouge will bring his ability to have fun while playing and transpose that to the crowd is again set to be a sure-fire winner.

Last but by no means least is Sydney, who has played alongside such Techno starlets as Gary Beck and Dustin Zahn. His infectious enthusiasm for a party means the Bass is turned up, physically and metaphorically, to ensure that everybody has a good time.

The Dance Night will be held at the Bishopmill Hall on Saturday, December 27 from 9pm. Tickets are available priced at £10 from Sound and Vision, the Caberfeidh bar, Ionic bar, JMK in Buckie and the Clifton in Lossiemouth.

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