Advice service move will help Moray CAB meet greater demand

CAB to move away from Batchen Street

The centralisation of Moray Council staff to their new HQ in Elgin has resulted in a boost for the Moray Citizen’s Advice who are set meet growing demand in larger premises.

After a search that has lasted almost three years, the former site of Elgin’s social work offices has been identified as ideal for the Citizen’s Advice Bureau – and they are now set to move in by April.

The larger premises will allow Moray CAB to train more advisers at a time when increased demand has seen them having to lease additional space at their current Batchen Street offices.

Now with the backing of Moray Council’s policy and resources committee they are set to move to the former social work offices on Moss Street.

“The move will have a number of advantages – we can train more people as advisers and we will have more space to put in extra interview rooms,” Moray CAB manager Sandra Dow said.

She added: “The process of finding a new location has taken us about two or three years and the building in Moss Street is the most adaptable one we looked at.”

Increased demand throughout the country for the services of the CAB has been mirrored in Moray. Research carried out two years ago found that one in five people visited on of the centres where they could receive debt advice, guidance on benefits, housing and relationships.

Ms Dow said: “Having all staff housed together will bring a lot of benefits.”

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