Cash boost provides platform for new Cullen lunch & social club

A new social group for over-60s is set to be launched helped by a successful funding bid from tsiMoray’s ‘Canny We’ Cash’ fund.

The lunch club and social group will open in Cullen with the first of two monthly get-togethers from tomorrow (Thursday).

Anyone turning out at the Cullen Community and Residential Centre from 12.15pm until 20m will be able to enjoy a two-course lunch at just £3.50 followed by a social activity. If successful, the initial monthly meetings will continue on a monthly basis later this year.

Supported by Moray Council’s older people’s development team, the initiative followed an approach by Cullen resident Patricia Watt, who believed that a lunch group would provide over-60s in the town with an opportunity to socialise.

An application to tsiMoray succeeded in securing a £1000 grant for the new club. Numbers are, however, limited and booking for the lunches is essential – this can be done by contacting Patricia Watt on 01542 841333 or through Moray Council’s assistant community care officer, Ann Hay, on 01343 567093.

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