Spey fish face new challenges as Ladies take to the river

Tuition for Ladies Day (pic: Elgin Rotary)

Moray and Speyside enjoyed warm sunshine for the Easter Holiday weekend – and taking full advantage on the River Spey was a group of ladies fishing on the river for the first time.

The occasion was Ladies Day on Saturday for the River Spey Angling Association – while some of the participants remained on the river on Sunday for the Elgin Rotary Club day.

For many of the women it was a first ever outing on the river with rod and line – and for some it was a successful one, as between them the 12 participants landed three trout and a single salmon.

Expert tuition was on hand for the novice anglers with the Association’s Craig Mackay proclaiming the event a success: “It was a fantastic day – the ladies had not caught any fish before so it was great to see them take to it so well.”

Amongst the women participating was Anne Woodcock who is the founder of the Ladies Fishing Club. Ms Woodcock was one of the ladies who remained to fish the river again on Sunday alongside the Elgin Rotary Club.

She told the P&J: “The ladies who took part all said when they were out there that they forgot about everything going on at home – I’m sure that they will be back to do it again.”

Ms Woodcock added that the popularity of women taking part in angling was growing, saying: “Almost anyone can give it a try and it is good fun.”

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