Moray’s own tribute to Alice in Wonderland set for public show

Deskford garden open to the public on May 30

A POPULAR GARDEN that has featured widely on television and in the Royal Horticultural Society magazine is once again offering the pubic a unique opportunity to visit.

Cherie Timney-Gunn is extending an invitation for all to call in at the Carestown Steadings in Deskford on Saturday, May 30.

The open day is part of the Scotland Gardens Scheme and will support eight charities being backed by that scheme as well as Autism in Scotland and the local Aila Coull Foundation.

Cherie said: “Teas and Coffees will be available to purchase on the day, along with an assortment of tray bakes.

“This year we have an artist in residence, Bobby Keeling, who will be painting assorted flowers to be found in the garden that day and who will be able to take commissions if needed.”

The garden recently featured on ‘Scottish Women’ as well as being the subject of a feature in the RHS ‘The Garden’ magazine. It contains statues from Alice in Wonderland – which also features  in the Chelsea Flower Show this year.

Cherie added: “Sadly the garden is not easy for anyone with restricted movement as it is on a fairly steep hill and the pathways are mostly “chuckies” – so not easily managed in a wheelchair.”

The garden will be open on May 30 from 10am until 4pm, with entry set at £4.