Not-quite ‘teenage’ mutant ninja turtles hit Forres for Kids

Heroes in their half-shells 'attacked' Tesco customers in Forres
Heroes in their half-shells ‘attacked’ Tesco customers in Forres

CASH FOR KIDS received a super-powered boost on Friday when a Forres company grasped an opportunity to help out their local community.

Green Moray Renewables chose MFR Cash for Kids as their chosen cause on “Superhero Day”, staff donning Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle outfits around the town.

Owner of the Greshop Industrial Estate firm, Graham Meacher, explained: “We have been in business for almost two years now and we have been looking at opportunities to do some work with the community.

“We thought as a starting point this is a great charity but also good fun – we are a small family-run business and Cash For Kids struck a chord as I have children, so could easily identify with what the charity does and who it is aimed at.

“We like that the money raised from the event will also stay within this region.”

On Friday morning the team were visited by MFR’s breakfast host Ginno Conti and Allana Mackay, the Cash For Kids charity executive. Then in the afternoon they hot-footed it round to the Forres branch of Tesco and Costa to entertain shoppers.

Graham, in true Ninja style, added: “Kowabunga baby, we don’t yet know what we have raised as MFR Cash for Kids will do the counting, but it was a great afternoon.

“The shoppers were digging deep and seemed amused by our superhero presence. Thanks to Tesco and Costa for letting us use their premises.”