A MAN ASSAULTED a police officer with a baton after he had tried to talk him out of committing suicide.
Elgin Sheriff Court was told on Thursday that Robert Semple was found by police on August 21 last year in his car at Drum Wood in Aberlour.
Semple was described as being “in a dark place” at the time had had a fishing priest baton in his arms. Police tried to gain entry to the car but found the doors locked – they smashed through the driver’s window in an attempt to free him.
The accused twice used the baton to strike out at Constable Michael Duncan, and police officers used CS Gas to incapacitate Semple before freeing him from the car and taking him to Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin for treatment.
Solicitor Matthew O’Neil told the court that his client accepted and deeply regretted the assault. Semple was ordered to pay £200 in compensation to PC Duncan and will be under supervision for nine months.
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