Freshers students warned to ensure they book meningitis protection

New students advised to ensure they are protected against meningitis

MORAY STUDENTS HEADING for studies at the University of the Highlands and Islands for the first time are being warned that they should be aware of the signs of Meningitis.

Newly enrolled students are regarded as a “high risk group” and as such are being warned that meningococcal infection can strike suddenly, progress quickly and can be serious.

A spokesman for the Moray College campus warned new students: “As a fresher you are in a high risk group – particularly in the first few weeks of term.

“Students going away to university or college for the first time should contact their GP to have the Men ACWY vaccine – ideally before the start of the academic year.”

Young teenagers and fresher students are routinely offered a vaccination to prevent meningitis W, with the Men ACWY vaccine providing protection against four different causes of meningitis and septicaemia.

All 17 to 18 year olds at school and first-time university students up to the age of 25 are eligible for the vaccine as part of an NHS vaccination programme. Those at school should be automatically called by their GP’s while fresher’s students are advised to contact their doctors.

Students in their second year or above at university do not need the vaccine and are not included in the programme.

Detailed advice is available online at the NHS Choices website.