Warning as taxi driver is assaulted in late-night Elgin attack

MORAY TAXI DRIVERS are being warned to take particular care after the driver for an Elgin licensed cab was attacked on Thursday night.

Cabbie Jim Murison posted an overnight warning on social media reporting the attack on the owner/driver of MG Taxi’s, Murray Grant, by two men described to have “European accents”.

Mr Murison said that the two men were wearing bonnets and had “some kind of scarf” hiding their lower faces when Mr Grant answered a telephone request. Mr Murison said: “Murray Grant was assaulted and robbed in Elgin by two men with European accents.

“They phoned in the run and as he is an independent they either have been on his taxi before or they got his telephone number from his roof sign on the High Street or from outside his house.

“It is a warning for drivers and operators – their faces were covered when Mr Grant picked them up, they stole his keys and money as well as assaulting him.”

Other taxi drivers responded with Estefanio Pereira saying that he was assaulted two months ago when someone broke the window of his taxi. He said: “Taxi driving is not safe for anyone in Moray – we need help from the police or council, perhaps we need CCTV in our cars.”

Another, Dougie Ross, added: “I hope Murray is OK – we need all drivers to watch out for this, I work at night and we are easy targets. Murray is not the first and he is most likely not going to be the last to be robbed and assaulted.”

Mr Grant was reported to be recovering from his ordeal. Anyone with information on the assault should contact Police Scotland on the non-emergency 101 call line.