Dates revealed for sportMoray awards 2015

Elgin Town Hall to host sportMoray awards in November

AWARDS RECOGNISING SPORTING achievement in Moray are to be held in Elgin Town Hall in November with nominations closing next month.

Moray Council has said that those wishing to make nominations for awards this year should ensure that they are lodged by Friday, October 23.

The final awards ceremony will then take place in Elgin on Tuesday, November 24 – with a new award being given this year to a club, group or organisation.

That has been sponsored by NHS Grampian and will go to a winner who has engaged with a particular community to ensure people are more physically active or involved in sport.

A total of 14 sportMoray awards will be made in November – nomination forms for all categories are available now by calling 01343 563657 or by email to