Greater use of Social Media for community planning in Moray

Community Partnership in Moray encouraged to use more of Social Media
Community Partnership in Moray encouraged to make more use of Social Media

USING SOCIAL MEDIA is emerging as a more favourable route than newspaper advertising when marketing community planning activities in Moray.

That is the view being put to members of the Community Planning Board at Moray Council when they meet on Wednesday.

The Board, which comprises of elected councillors and senior representatives of community partner organisations, aims to provide effective leadership to Moray’s Community Planning Partnership (MCP) – a forum consisting of interested groups and organisations serving Moray’s communities.

In a report that seeks to agree a new marketing strategy for the MCP, advice was sought from consultancy firm Platform PR that produced recommendations on raising the public profile of the MCP.

That recommended a launch event to raise awareness alongside a series of Moray local events, coverage on community radio and regular press items including press releases by partner organisations that would include reference to the CPP.

However, the Board will learn that members of a working group formed to consider the recommendations viewed press coverage as having a “limited effect when weighed against costs”.

In contrast, the report says, social media was seen “as providing the most effective platform”, pointing as an example to an approach used by Police Scotland for a ‘Facebook Phone In’ that produced good results.