A MORAY COMMUNITY are being asked to grasp an opportunity of learning just what is going on in their village – and how they can help.
The Hopeman Community Association is hosting a ‘Spotlight on Hopeman’ session this weekend, inviting local people to learn more about what the Association is doing for their community.
Hopeman has been at the forefront of several community-led improvement since the Association was first formed, held up by many as a shining light of just what can be done when a community forms itself into taking direct responsibility.
Saturday’s event in the Memorial Hall from 10am until 3pm will focus on what is being done in Hopeman that makes the community a successful one – from fundraising to how they engage with the local authority, to what clubs and organisations have been doing over the last year.
A spokeswoman for the Association said: “We are delighted that the vast majority of clubs and groups in the village are taking part, along with the Police and our own sub-committees who look after the Gala, Memorial Hall, Christmas Lights and many other individual projects.”
Tea, coffee and snacks will be served throughout the day and it is also hoped that a play area will be set aside for children as their parents and guardians browse the displays.