Women taking first steps in business urged to attend showcase

Donna Harper - MWBC President
Donna Harper – MWBC President

AN EVENT AIMED at providing an opportunity for women to promote their companies will return next month after being deemed a resounding success in its first year.

Moray Business Women’s Club is to host a showcase and open evening for a second time – and is urging women in business to once again become involved.

Donna Harper, president of the MBWC, said: “Last year’s Showcase and Open Evening was the first one we had done and we didn’t really know how it was going to go.

“However, we were astounded by the number of women that either wanted to stake a stall or do a presentation about their business. In fact, it was so popular that we had a waiting list.

“It seemed daft not to do it again, and already the places are filling up. It’s a business to business event, with lots of networking and the chance to really shine about your business or a business you work for.

“We have had such positive feedback from the women who took part last year, that this will definitely become a regular item of the Moray Business Women calendar. We are giving priority to our members, but there is still time to join before the event.”

The showcase and open evening will be held in the Laichmoray Hotel in Elgin on March 16, with places bookable by visiting www.mbwc.org.uk.

Claire Doughty of Chit Chat PR & Digital, who presented her business at last year’s event, said: “I would recommend this to anyone whether they are new in business or not.

“I had only been in business for a couple of months old when I took part and that night we secured a new client who we are still working with a year later. It is great fun, the other business women are so helpful and supportive and it is great value.”