Householders warned to beware doorstep salesmen touring north east

Items such as this pressure washer being offered for sale by doorstep callers

DOOR TO DOOR salesmen currently operating throughout the north east have turned up in Moray in recent days – prompting a deluge of complaints from householders.

Moray Trading Standards say that they have been fielding a “stream of calls” from the public after they were approached by callers offering electrical equipment for sale.

The callers claim that they have been at an exhibition locally and are now seeking to sell off excess stock before returning to their home in Ireland. Generators, pressure washers, pots and pans, knives and toolboxes have been amongst the goods offered.

Typically, the callers make inflated claims about the real value of the items, claiming that they are manufactured by leading industry names – of particular concern is that a seller became “quite aggressive” when told by a householder that they were not interested.

Peter Adamson, manager of Moray Trading Standards, warned: “We would always urge residents not to buy from cold callers or doorstep sellers and to buy goods only from reputable traders.

“We have concerns that some of this equipment does not comply with electrical or other safety regulations. Normally, equipment of this type has to pass stringent checks before being allowed on to the market. When you buy from itinerant traders on your doorstep you have no idea where they came from or if they are safe.

“We are making an urgent appeal to anyone who has bought one of these items in the last few days to contact trading standards for further advice. We are keen to speak to the persons involved in the sale of these goods and would also ask for any sightings to be reported as soon as possible.”

Meanwhile police issued a similar warning pointing out that the doorstep salesmen had also been operating in neighbouring Aberdeenshire. A spokesman said: “Police Scotland is committed to tackling doorstep crime and take a serious course of action in relation to all aspects of it.

“In this case there is a concern that some of these tools are not safe for use. We would never encourage anyone in our communities to purchase items on their doorstep as it could cost them a lot of money for poor quality goods, they could unwittingly be guilty of handling stolen items or putting themselves or others in danger. Often items that seem the genuine article are actually counterfeit.

“With the help of the public we can discourage criminals from attending at our homes. Often these type of offenders are involved in other criminal activities and residents should refrain from buying items. This, in turn, will help to discourage criminals from coming into our communities. We want the people in our communities to assist us in making the North-east a hostile environment for criminals.”

If anyone has any information regarding bogus callers or doorstep crime they should advise Police Scotland by calling 101 or for further advice contact Moray Trading Standards on 03454 040506.