THE FAMILY OF KEIRAN McKANDIE, the 16-year-old who tragically lost his life in an accident earlier this year, have donated ten defibrillators to Police Scotland.
Keiran was mountain biking with friends when he was in collision with a car on the B9010 Kellas to Dallas road on March 20.
His parents Sandra and Gordon McKandie, supported by their family and friends, have fundraised tirelessly in order to fund the purchase of defibrillators which will be installed in police emergency response vehicles across the North East Police Division.
Yesterday was the first time that officers were trained in the use of the life-saving equipment.
Sandra said: “Because Keiran was in a rural area when his accident happened the police were first on the scene and had they had a defibrillator there is a chance his life might have been saved.
“This is about maintaining a legacy for Keiran. Our hope is that through his sacrifice other lives may be saved.
“It is appropriate that the police will now have these defibrillators installed and that is something positive from such a tragic event. Nothing can compensate for Keiran not physically being in our lives anymore – but the fact that these defibrillators are in emergency response police vehicles will enable others in a critical condition to have an increased chance of survival.”
Chief Inspector Louise Blakelock, Local Area Commander, Road Policing, North, said: “We are extremely grateful to Keiran’s family for the generous donation of ten defibrillator machines which will be carried in our road policing vehicles in the North East.
“The McKandie family are to be commended for their dedication to the fundraising campaign during such difficult times and these defibrillators will provide something positive from this tragic incident.
“A number of officers have been trained in the use of the defibrillators today, with more to follow and this will allow our road policing officers to provide enhanced medical aid if required when they are first on the scene of serious incidents.”
Euan Esslemont, Head of Ambulance Services, North Division (East), said: “The Scottish Ambulance Service is working in partnership with its Community First Responder volunteers, with Police Scotland, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and other organisations such as the Sandpiper Trust, through the Wildcat project, to help communities become more resilient.
“We will work with Police Scotland to quickly evaluate the success of this wonderful initiative from the McKandie family and seek opportunities to spread co-responding across Grampian and other remote and rural areas across Scotland.”