KEITH’S NEW POST OFFICE has been formally opened after it was relocated to the Spar store on the town’s Mid Street.
Formerly part of Baird’s Chemist shop, the Post Office was moved as part of a process that has seen many relocations and some closures throughout the UK.
After being invited to cut the ribbon on the new facility this week, regional MSP Douglas Ross said he was delighted to carry out a duty that is unique – the first time had had ever been asked to take on such a duty since being elected to the Holyrood parliament.
“I was very impressed by the excellent works which have been done to renovate the building to house the Post Office within the local Spar convenience store,” Mr Ross said.
He added: “With its new location, the Post Office can now serve customers outwith the traditional opening hours of 9am to 5.30pm, with counters being available through to 8pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 6pm on a Sunday.
“During my short visit it was clear that the Post Office is a very important and well used service in the town and I’m sure the new location and opening times will be greatly appreciated locally.
“With the Post Office being staffed by 2 full time and 2-part time members of staff as well as 3-part time staff covering the retail side of the store, this new venture is a welcome boost to the main shopping street in the town.”
Postmaster is now Paul McBain, who said: “I am delighted to bring this new brighter Post Office to the town, bringing greater convenience to customers with the extended opening times over the seven day week and very much look forward to welcoming customers old and new.”