CONCERNS THAT POLICE in Moray are currently suffering from under-staffing have prompted a request from the local Trade Union Council for talks with senior officers.
A recent meeting of the Moray TUC included an update on a continuing discussion with local MSP Richard Lochhead, who had forwarded an offer from local police chiefs to meet with the TUC.
Unite delegate and chair of the Moray TUC, Barry Jarvis, said: “This is an issue that is coming up more and more regularly and many of our members are concerned that we are not getting the full picture when it comes to Police numbers.
“That refers not only in terms of additional recruits but also on the number of officers who are leaving the service before serving their time – and, vitally, how many officers are available at any given time to respond to emergencies.
“We are pleased that not only has Mr Lochhead raised our concerns but has also passed on the very kind invitation to meet with us that we will be organising as soon as is convenient.
“Our members are very keen to try and drill down into the information provided to get to the facts about Police numbers in Moray.”
A date has yet to be set for the meeting but members will be notified as soon as that has been set.
Moray TUC meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 7.15pm in the Seaforth Club. All active trade unionists, supporters and family are welcome to attend.