Consultations held on free bus travel for Under-20’s

SOME YOUNG PEOPLE could be set for free bus travel throughout Scotland – joining Over-60’s in enjoying the national perk.

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf this week met with representatives from several young people’s organisations to discuss their view on changes to the national concessionary travel scheme.

The meeting was part of a pre-consultation process with Mr Yousaf seeking views on plans to provide free bus travel to modern apprentices aged 16 to 20 years old. The discussions provided an opportunity to understand the social, equality and other impacts of any potential changes to the scheme and inform the wider public consultation to be held in the summer.

Representatives from YouthLink Scotland, Young Scot, National Union of Students, National Society of Apprentices Scotland, Sustrans and Skills Development Scotland were in attendance, along with a number of modern apprentices.

Mr Yousaf said: “This Government remains committed to supporting bus services and concessionary travel nationally.

“We want to ensure that our successful concessionary bus travel scheme for older and disabled people continues to benefit those who have the greatest reliance on free bus travel.

“We are engaging with stakeholders and members of the public, and will then consult fully on options for the future of the concessionary bus travel scheme for older and disabled people including our plans for free bus travel for young modern apprentices.

“I was pleased to meet with some of our young people’s organisations and individuals today to listen to their views on the possible changes to the concessionary scheme and also plans for free bus travel for modern apprentices.

“We will be working with Skills Development Scotland, bus operators and others to put in place the legislation and systems needed to provide modern apprentices under the age of twenty-one with free bus travel.”