All individual candidates or political groups contesting the forthcoming local council elections in Moray are invited to state their case through the pages of our community news site – contact for submissions is Here we have views of Tim Eagle, Conservative candidate for Buckie.
DESPITE THE RECENT SNOW spring is a wonderful time of year – my lambs are now happily outside jumping and bleating and the blossom is on some of the trees.
After a long cold winter it is great on a warm day to open all the windows and let some fresh air blow through.
Freshness is a wonderful thing and can be useful in many areas not least the council. The elections this year has seen a large number of new faces come forward and I am pleased to be one of the youngest of them.
It would be great come May 4 to have a real cross-section of people on the council from the most experienced and seasoned to the new and from the oldest to the youngest.
A council which has a range of people can work hard to be effective for all across Moray and thats important because what Moray Council does affects so many areas of our lives. Schools, roads, maintenance, sports & leisure, business, planning, environmental services the list goes on and on, arguably local government affects our daily lives more than national.
I run a small farm in Buckie as well as looking after my three young children whilst my wife works and so have an insight into business in Moray as well as the lives and needs of young families. I am very keen to support and enhance our schools, protect our leisure services and ensure we do all we can to support our local economy.
I want to be out listening to the concerns of the people in the Buckie ward and taking that into the council as together we find ways to move Moray forward.
It has been fantastic to get out and about these last few weeks, I have had chats with various people outside their houses, on the Conservative street stall in Buckie and even when shopping and from these it is clear to see that local people want to see vibrant active communities where concerns are raised and things done, people wanting to see action ahead of words and communities ahead of politics.
With a background in agriculture and rural development I want to see these things too. I want to be there to help get that uneven pavement fixed, I want to be there to promote our businesses, I want to be there to support and enhance our schools, and I want to be there also to champion our communities.
Together I believe we can find ways to make our council stronger and our communities better. I currently sit on the school PTA and the community council and I help at junior church and sit on the board of a local charity amongst other things. Action is very important to me.
Standing with the Scottish Conservatives I am supported by a great team of candidates with a real mix of experience and knowledge and importantly a real passion for listening and learning from their communities.
When May 4 comes I hope you can put your faith in me to stand up for a better Buckie and a stronger Moray – so vote Tim Eagle 1 on May 4.
Also contesting the Buckie ward is: Gordon Cowie (Ind), Gordon McDonald (SNP) and Sonya Warren (SNP).