SUMMER SCHOOL HOLIDAYS would not it seems be the same these days without the Tesco Bank reading challenge!
Once again this year Moray’s children are being invited to sign up to the challenge – which would involve them reading six books during their school summer break which starts from the end of this week.
Run by the national charity the ‘Reading Agency’ in partnership with the bank and Scotland’s libraries, the challenge encourages children to stick their noses into books during the holidays – a time when their literacy skills have a tendency to dip.
The challenge theme for 2017 is ‘Animal Agents’, based on a detective agency staffed by all kinds of animals. To take part, children just need to head to their local library where they will be given a folder to keep a record of their summer reading.
Jane Sandell, senior children’s librarian with Moray Council’s libraries service, said: “Children love the reading challenge because it’s fun, parents like having a summer-long project to take part in and teachers see the educational benefits a summer of reading brings.
“It is such a good opportunity for children to discover new books and join in with different activities, and it is all free.”