Council warns over 2000 residents that their payment cards are ending

OVER 2000 MORAY RESIDENTS are still using plastic payment cards to lodge payments at Post Offices and PayPoints – despite their soon going out of date.

Now Moray Council is urging those who still use that method to pay their Council Tax or Housing Benefit overpayments to discard the cards immediately.

Council Tax payers should instead use their 2017/18 council tax bill or one dated after April 1, 2017 to ensure that their payments are not rejected.

The Post Office and PayPoint counter staff will scan the up-to-date barcode on their bill, and this will transfer money successfully. Housing Benefit overpayments can also be paid using the council invoice dated after April 1, 2017.

Those customers who continue to use plastic payment cards after the new tax year will have their payment rejected by the retailer.

Those who don’t have their 2017-18 council tax bill, or a housing benefit overpayment invoice from this tax year, should contact Moray Council’s customer service team. Customers can Email or call 01343 563456.