Incidents on darker roads prompts police warning on winter safety

PEDESTRIANS AND MOTORISTS throughout Moray are being urged to take extra care following several incidents in the north east that saw pedestrians suffering injuries.

Road Policing Department Sergeant Colin Matheson said that the darker mornings and early evenings at the time of the year – along with poorer weather and visibility – makes it a time when all road users need to exercise particular care and attention.

He said: “Pedestrians need to be aware that it may be more difficult for drivers to see them – and they should avoid the dangers of being distracted by using mobile ‘phones.

“When walking on unlit or poorly lit roads they should wear light coloured clothing or ideally something reflective so they can be seen by drivers. They should also face the flow of traffic so they can see and react to oncoming vehicles.”

Sgt Matheson added: “Motorists too must avoid being distracted by mobile ‘phones and devices. They can also play their part by being alert to pedestrians and respecting their right of way keeping in mind that pedestrians have the same right to share the road space.”