MORAY WOMEN CAMPAIGNING for a fair deal over their state pensions are to hold their final gathering of the year this weekend.
The Moray WASPI group has been one of the most active in the country, representing their members at a variety of events far and wide – including a rally last year in London.
Now the group are set to update people on progress for their campaign – as well as helping anyone who has issues over the Department of Work and Pensions complaints process, which has been used by hundreds to complain about their treatment.
On December 14 another debate is to be held over the issues of pensions for women that have been put back for up to six years by legislation that was not properly communicated to those affected. WASPI Moray gained the support of local MP Douglas Ross, who is one of 12 Conservative MPs who have signed to speak at the debate.
The debate was called by Grahame Morris MP – and while it was initially declined as not enough Government members had registered to speak that situation later changed. With the support of the SNP, Labour and Northern Ireland MPs, there is a very real possibility that the Government could face defeat over the issue for the first time.
People in Moray can learn more about the WASPI cause at the Elgin Youth Café on Francis Place from 2pm until 4pm on Saturday (November 25).