Elgin mum starts online club to help families learn tech skills in safe space

A ‘mumpreneur’ from Elgin has jumped to the rescue of parents by providing a safe educational resource to meet the needs of the sudden boom in home schooling.

Lee Midlane, Founder and CEO of IT Central in South Street has launched Tech Club, a new online service that takes computer support to the community.

Tech Club is designed to support parents and children and aims to help families use computers and technology in simple and fun ways so it can safely and effectively enhance their everyday lives.

Delivered from IT Central’s base in Elgin the online club offers guided success paths to support any level that gets involved, plus a resource library and weekly activities.

Lee said: “As someone who went from the daily norm of going to work to suddenly juggling the situation of working from home and supporting my 11–year-old son to complete his schoolwork, I found it to be a real challenge. Thrown into the mix is the need for children to use technology to study, a higher amount of screen time because they are home, and the need to keep them safe while they are online.

Onine safety

“My son is very trusting and believes whatever someone online tells him. That makes him vulnerable, and as a parent I want to protect him without taking away his fun.”

The new club is set to launch at midnight on 1 June with applications only being accepted until 7pm on 7 June.

“We are only open to accepting new members for a limited period of time. These founding members will help shape and test every aspect of the club before we move to a full public launch in the autumn,” Lee confirmed.

“There is a discounted monthly fee for as long as these members stay involved. By helping us shape the future of Tech Club they ensure the maximum potential benefit for them and their families.”

“Like many businesses, our plans had to change. We are still going ahead with the technology centre concept in time, but really wanted a way to serve the community now.”

Programme of content

In addition to the bite-size tailored training bundles that are delivered on demand is a program of monthly content that includes guests, projects, a video magazine – even an online, real-time, interactive quiz.

Gill Neill, Chief Executive of Elgin BID said the club sounds really exciting.

“I know a lot of people have struggled over the last couple of months and technology has played a far bigger part in our lives, particularly with things like keeping us connected to family and friends. 

“For many there comes a level of anxiety and concern about how to make the most of the tech on offer and the way that this programme gently leads people from being a complete novice onwards is bound to help. 

I really wish them all the best with this initiative.”

For more information see IT Central’s Facebook page, or email hello@itcentral.scot