Moray has received the thumbs up from people visiting the region in support of the Scottish 6-Day Orienteering event last year.
Participants were asked to rate Moray for their overall experience during the event that attracted almost 4000 Orienteering enthusiasts to region – and 98% rated Moray as being either very good or good, with the remaining 2% giving an ‘average’ rating.
Key for the organisers was feedback they received on if people were keen to return to Scotland for the next 6-Day event in 2015, with 89% agreeing that they would.
It was estimated that the event generated around £2million for the Moray and Nairn economies with visitors numbers up on the previous events in 2009 and 2011.
Mike Rodgers, Scottish Orienteering’s regional development officer in Moray, said: “The event attracted a large number of visitors not only from the outside the local area but also from outside Scotland – and for the vast majority the event was the reason for their visit.
“There was a high level of satisfaction with the event and the local area – which is important in encouraging future visits. Indeed, a high proportion indicated that they would be very likely to visit the event again in two years’ time.”
Thousands are expected to return to Moray next year when the World Orienteering Champions take place throughout the Highlands and running in parallel with the Scottish 6-Days event.
Centred on Inverness the World Championships will be held from August 1 to 7 and the Scottish 6-Days from August 1 to 8. Forres and Nairn will be used to stage the Scottish 6-Days Mixed Sprint Relay, Spring Qualifiers and Sprint Final events.
Further details on both events can be found online at