Council to help transmit ‘zero tolerance’ message of lower drink-drive limit

Moray Council is to support a campaign warning Moray’s motorists of new drink drive limits that come into force this week.

The local authority will share advice on how drivers can stay safe over the forthcoming festive season by being aware of the lower limit of 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood from Friday.

The advice from the local authority will match the police message that the best approach is not to drink any alcohol if you intend to get behind the wheel.

Councillor Eric McGillivray, chairman of Moray Council’s communities committee and the Moray Public Protection Partnership, said: “We are only too happy to support the Scottish Government in making our roads safer and helping to save lives.

“Lowering the drink-driving limit brings Scotland into line with most of the rest of Europe. But of course the safest way for motorists to ensure they do not exceed the limit is not to drink at all if they are going to be driving.

“The don’t-drink-and-drive message is traditionally reinforced in the run-up to Christmas and New Year and the timing of the new lowered drink-driving limit not only coincides with this year’s festive campaign but gives it added impact.”

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