Government plan to find sustainable use of sea is ‘unfit for purpose’

(pic: Mike Gill)

A plan developed over five years with the intention of finding sustainable ways of using the seas around Scotland has been branded as “unfit for purpose”.

The damning indictment came from the Scottish Government’s environment committee after they studied a draft National Marine plan published in December looking into the competing pressures in Scottish waters with environmental protection.

Committee members felt that rather than making things easier for those whose depend on the sea for their living the plan could create greater conflict.

Committee convener Rob Gibson said: “The committee is deeply disappointed that a government plan five years in the making is simply not yet fit for purpose.”

The SNP MSP added: “Multiple uses are made of our marine environment and increasingly these are coming into conflict. But the Scottish Government’s draft National Marine Plan does not provide a clear and concise set of policies that can be consistently applied by decision makers and those using the marine environment.”

However, a Scottish Government spokeswoman insisted that the was remained “an important document that sets out the government’s vision for sustainable development and use of the marine environment.”

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