Sea King bid seeks 1000 signatures to underpin local determination

Campaigners hoping to provide a permanent home for one of the RAF Lossiemouth Sea King SAR helicopters in Moray are looking for the backing of 1000 local residents.

The iconic yellow Sea King Search and Rescue helicopters will vanish from the skies over the UK from the end of March – beginning with the withdrawal of the 202 Squadron detachment at the Moray base.

A pair of Sea Kings have been operating from Moray for several years, becoming a very familiar and welcome sight in particular for those who found themselves in difficulty on land and at sea.

It is understand that the Ministry of Defence will fly the helicopters south for disposal as their job is assumed by new civilian-operated aircraft.

However, the Morayvia group, who have already secured the last remaining Nimrod for their soon to be created Aircraft, Science and Technology attraction at Kinloss, are hoping that the MoD will agree to fly one of the helicopters on the much shorter final journey to Kinloss!

Speaking on behalf of the group Mark Mair said: “If the Morayvia group are able to purchase one it would then have to be transported the length of the country by road back to it’s HQ at Kinloss which would be very costly.

“If we are successful the aircraft would join the Nimrod at our base and would be open for the public to see inside a helicopter which has saved countless lives and assisted in many emergencies.

“We are hoping that common sense will prevail and that the MoD will agree to our request – to demonstrate just how serious the people of Moray are about this we are asking them to sign a petition that will be presented with our bid to ministers.”

As at this morning over 300 have already signed the online petition with Morayvia hoping that many more will do so this week.

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