A COMMUNITY KITCHEN is being planned at the Elgin Youth Café thanks to a £100,000 boost from the Scottish Government.
Social Justice secretary Alex Neil has revealed a total of 21 donations for community groups around Scotland – part of a £1.7million being paid from the town centre communities capital fund.
The Youth Café were delighted on learning that their bid for funding had been successful – now the Youth Development Group that runs the Café will work on reshaping the Inkwell rooms into a custom-made kitchen for disabled people.
Development manager Fiona Birse said: “We are currently fundraising to renovate the Inkwell rooms as part of a social enterprise project. The £100,000 will cover one third of the money required for that, so it will put us on a good footing going forward.”
The project will see cooking classes being run for young people and disadvantaged older people, and purpose-built so that it can be used by those with disabilities.
Announcing the awards Alex Neil said: “The £1.7million fund will give enterprising communities the chance to take forward improvements to their area.”
It is the second major windfall for the Development Group who earlier this year received almost £30,000 to help with a project that brings young and old people in Elgin closer together.