Army Reserve to show potential recruits what to expect

Army Reserve open day at Kinloss Barracks
Army Reserve open day at Kinloss Barracks

KINLOSS BARRACKS IS to hold an open day where people interested in signing up to the Army Reserve can see for themselves what may be in store.

The day is being hosted by C Company, 7 Scots and is centred around their ‘look at life day’ on Saturday, February 27.

Members of the part-time company will be on hand to demonstrate their regular activities and equipment used, with visitor seeing for themselves what is involved in a typical training day.

Fieldcraft, First Aid and Markmanship will be on show – and those wishing to go along and have a look can hitch a lift from Inverness via Nairn to the base at Kinloss on special transport being laid on for the event.

Further information can be provided from WO2 Donnie Campbell, LCpl Phillip Johnston or the C Coy recruiting clerk, Cath Mackay on 01463 232912 or on mobile number 07555 667021.