FOR THE MEMBERS of a Moray Air Cadets it was certainly a weekend to remember as they enjoyed a mixture of activities – all of them successes.
If cadets from 423 Squadron in Elgin and Rothes alongside Forres-based 446 Squadron all emerged with their heads in the clouds then it is hardly surprising. They got things off to a perfect start with a few attending training on the Pipes and Drums – perhaps with an eye to a future with the famous 2622 Squadron Pipe Band.
Others attended the Friends and Families day at RAF Lossiemouth – while yet more took on the inter-wing athletics competition where they were part of a very successful team, helped along with the participation of members of Rothes-based 423DF who provided supervision.
To round off a fabulous 48 hours, members went down to visit the HM Coastguard and Air Ambulance centre at Inverness Airport – while yet more were clambering over an air legend, the Sea King SAR exhibit at Morayvia in Kinloss.
“It was a fantastic example of what our Cadets get up to – if it was not perhaps a typical summer weekend, it did demonstrate that our members are up for just about anything,” Squadron Leader Max Woolfson, the Highland Wing Training Officer said.
He added: “The athletics competition saw our members help the team to becoming best Athletics Squadron in Scotland and Northern Ireland and helped the Highland Wing to come third overall – with lots of medals going to our cadets.
“The group who attended RAF Lossiemouth were lucky enough to see the Red Arrows and Typhoon display teams going through their paces, while others took in the vital work being undertaken by the SAR teams past and present as well as the Air Ambulance Service.”
To find out more about 423 Squadron ATC visit them online here – you can also visit 446 Squadron on their Facebook Page.