MSP cites loss of specialist nurse as a ‘serious blow’

Douglas Ross - dismayed as Neurology patients face further care issues.
Douglas Ross – dismayed as Neurology patients face further care issues.

THE SUDDEN LOSS of a neurology specialist nurse at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin is a “serious blow” to sufferers of such as Parkinson’s Disease in Moray.

That is the view being expressed by Highlands and Moray MSP Douglas Ross, who has been in talks with NHS Grampian over specialist provision in Moray.

Mr Ross said that he only learned yesterday (Tuesday) that the specialist nurse based in Moray had resigned from the post – creating a significant crisis with nearly 200 people now left without the specialist nurse support they need to manager their condition.

Mr Ross said: “Coming just a few weeks after being told by NHS Grampian that they would be appointing a locum consultant to cover neurological services in Moray, this announcement is a serious blow to those who rely on the services of the specialist nurse.

“It is fundamentally clear that ongoing access to a Parkinson’s nurse and specialist consultant is essential for people in Moray to manage this complex condition.

“Continuity of care is vital as Parkinson’s is such an individual condition, affecting people differently, and the prospect of many facing long debilitating journeys to Aberdeen to be seen by a consultant does little for their health and wellbeing.

“Malcom Wright, the Chief Executive of NHS Grampian, assured me that last month that there would be no removal of vital neurological services from Moray and it’s imperative that the board now take urgent action to ensure that people in the area have access to a properly resourced and staffed Parkinson’s service.

“I am seeking an urgent meeting with representatives from the Health Board and the Joint Integrated Board so we can work to find a quick resolution to these problems.”

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