NEW RULES FOR the operation of Community Councils have taken a major step forward – including the ability of 16-year-olds to seek election.
Moray Council have revealed that they are about to enter a second stage of public consultation on a new system for the first tier of community representation in the region.
When completed the new rules will be put in place in time for community council elections later this year – and remain in place at least until 2021. Revisions to the scheme of establishment have been made following an initial round of consultation which came to an end prior to Christmas.
The new draft scheme will include arrangements for elections, meetings and finance and is due to be completed by Monday, March 6.
As well as the lowering of age eligibility to stand for community councillor roles to bring them in line with local council voting ages, provisions are being made relating to community council complains and the new Community Empowerment Act 2015.
More information on the consultation and review can be found at or by contacting Moray Council’s democratic services section at or on 01343 563334.