A BY-ELECTION HUSTINGS is to be hosted by the Elgin Community Council to allow voters to meet the candidates ahead of the Elgin City North by-election on July 13.
The election is taking place due to the resignation of Sandy Cooper who was elected to the Council following the Local Government Elections on May 4.
The Hustings will take place on Tuesday, June 27 from 6.30pm to 9.45pm at Elgin Academy, Morriston Road, Elgin.
All four candidates have been invited to take part so providing an opportunity to hear them in person and to discuss matters of importance to the people living in the Elgin North ward. The format will see proceedings opening with each candidate giving a short address, followed by questions before closing comments at 9.15pm. Tea and coffee will be available prior to the event from 6.30pm.
The candidates declared for the Elgin North Ward are Patsy Gowans (SNP), Nick Taylor (Scottish Labour). Maria McLean (Scottish Conservative and Unionist) and Terry Monaghan (Independent).
Alastair Kennedy, Chair of the City and Royal Burgh of Elgin Community Council (who will be chairing the event) said: ‘We are really excited to be holding another Hustings for the by-election.
“As I said before the hustings we held in April, community councils are in a key position to host an election hustings. Candidates appreciate the opportunity to address their prospective constituents and voters are keen to hear directly from those standing for election.
“We are hopeful all of those aspiring to become councillors will be able to attend and that the people of north Elgin will appreciate a Hustings being held in their area.”
To find out more about this event or what else is happening in Elgin Community Council, go to https://www.facebook.com/elgincommunitycouncil.