Transport Scotland will accept A96 dualling comments after deadline

TRANSPORT SCOTLAND WILL allow responses from individuals and groups in Moray concerned over the route taken by a dualled A96 to be considered after their August 4 deadline date.

Several local groups said that the current deadline did not provide sufficient time to pull together submissions over the issues caused by the alternative route choices through the region.

Now Douglas Ross MP said that he has been told responses will be considered after the deadline date.

Mr Ross said: “I wrote to Transport Scotland about the deadlines for responses after being contacted by residents who were concerned about the timescales, particularly with the holiday period.

“Given that the detailed routes were only recently unveiled at the drop-ins and the consultation period was set during the summer holidays when a lot of people are away, I wrote to Transport Scotland last month asking if consideration could be given to allowing people more time to formulate their responses.

“While not officially extending the deadline, Transport Scotland have agreed to accept responses beyond August 4. I would urge anyone who still has to submit a response to do so as soon as possible. Local feedback will be vital in ensuring Transport Scotland have all the available information before they progress with this scheme.”

The MP added that the proposed routes will impact on a number of local communities who have expressed concerns, with several having contacted him saying they are extremely anxious about their homes and businesses on all of the proposed routes.

He said: “This is a huge project and planners must take all feedback and responses into consideration before making their decision.”